Sunday, April 25, 2010

March for Babies 2010

Today was the March for Babies. I have been waiting a year for today. I wrote my speech in January so I would have plenty of time to practice it. I know I'm not a good public speaker so I was worried about how my speech would go. My friend has been helping me get comfortable with talking about Gillian's hospital stay and the first three years of Gillian's life. Prior to seeking out my friend I would get extremely choked up or cry if I tried to talk about it. So I was kind of nervous to give my speech but not as nervous as I expected. I've been practicing my speech daily for 3 weeks so I knew I was ready. And I feel that I nailed it. And now I feel is like the largest weight has been lifted. Now everyone knows what happened....what we went through....I wish that I had been able to do it sooner. It was a beautiful day which was a nice change, normally we freeze or get soaked by rain. It was the perfect day to start living again....
Team Gillian 2010 - finished this year at $3260 for a total in the past 4 years of $11,623!
Grampie Brooks and Gillian
Grampie Brooks

Danielle, Jacob and Bill

Grammie Brooks

Grammie and Grampie Miner

Me giving my speech

Gillian and Craig during my speech.

And the walk begins....

All the people that came out for the walk.

Jody, Gillian and Grammie Brooks

Jody after the walk

Craig, Gillian and me

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