Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Open House

I went to Gillian's school's open house tonight...what a NIGHTMARE! I’ve decided there should be a handbook that you are given (I would even buy it if necessary) that gives you the background on the first year of your child’s schooling (so you know what to expect). How was I going to know that open house is a zoo? I wish I would have dressed appropriately for the extremely hot temperatures as all the parents, children and teachers piled in to the gym. There were enough people that all the seats were taken so it was standing room only and we were there before it started! After the introductions were done, we were told we could wander the school and get check out our child’s classrooms. Before we got out of the gym a couple kids had yelled to Gillian saying hi. Gillian hid behind me. This would help explain why she has not made any friends.

We headed to Gillian’s class, and stopped for apple cider on the way as I was dying of thirst from the extreme temperature of the gym. Gillian’s teacher arranged for a scavenger hunt…good idea in theory but not the best idea in large groups of people and over excited children. I spent the entire time trying to keep up with my 5 year old that knew exactly where she was going…I did not. So after 50 minutes and a completed scavenger hunt…we headed home.

I got home, got Gillian showered and into bed. I sat down on the couch and I knew exactly why my child wasn’t thrilled about meeting new people. I felt overwhelmed and exhausted. I’m now prepared for next year.

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