Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Growing up

Gillian and I were getting ready to leave the house and we went in her room so she could put her book away and she looked at a picture on her wall. It's one of my all time favorites.

She asked me,"Who is holding me in that picture?"

I told her,"Grammie Brooks."

She asked me,"Where was the picture was taken?"

I told her,"At my wedding."

She said,"Your wedding?"

I responded,"The day I married your Dad."

She said,"Married Dad?"

I asked her,"Do you know what marriage is?"

Gillian responded,"No."

I said,"Its the day I promised to love and live with Daddy forever."

What happened next was not what I expected. Gillian started crying and I asked why she was so upset.

Gillian told me,"Why do you and Daddy get to live together forever and I have to move out when I grow up?" (My poor baby)

I explained,"Gillian we will never ask you to leave but one day you will meet a wonderful boy and want to live with him. Mommy and Daddy didn't move out until we were older, older than most people but the time came where we wanted a home of our own not with Grammie and Grampie. Now we visit them...they aren't far away."

Gillian still crying told me,"I'm never living with a boy"

I thought this was a prime time to ask,"Will you sign a contract that you will not live with a boy?"

Ironically she responded,"I'm not signing anything."

I laughed which made her laugh. She is so smart and she doesn't even know it yet:)

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