Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend Recap

It is funny but I look so forward to the weekends and then I blink and it is over. I need to start looking forward to evenings but those seem even shorter then weekends or may I need to retire young then I would look forward to everyday....Craig that last part is mainly relying on

I bought some pink sparkly nail polish which got Gillian's approval thinking we could switch from the purple to the pink and kind of go back and forth between the two but no....her nails were repainted purple on Friday night. I didn't really think she would give in and switch for a week but I had hoped maybe...

Saturday we took Gillian to dance which was the normal, we now have her trained that there can be no crying because she needs to get in and get the purple carpet to sit So it is now a mad dash to be early so she can get the purple carpet. It was costume week where she got one of her two costumes that she will be wearing in the recital in June. We got some bad news too that there will be limited seats and tickets so not everyone can come:( I'm sure it will be on video for future viewing pleasures. I know it's not the same but it will work.

Saturday afternoon we had Emma's birthday party. It was at Play Place which I was excited to see how it works because Craig and I have been thinking about having Gillian's 5th birthday party there and inviting her friends from daycare. After seeing how it works, we will not be having her 5th party there. This town really needs a place to host kids parties because there really isn't anything. I think I found a business calling my name...maybe job change instead of retirement is in my future. Either way, Gillian had a good time and Emma enjoyed it so that is all that really matters to me.

Grammie and Grampie Miner had called and asked if they could take Gillian for the remainder of the day and the night so I dropped Gillian off. After chatting with Janet for about an hour, I was told to leave by my daughter. Obviously I was cramping her style.

So what to do all by myself (Craig was working). I went to PetSmart and looked at cats. You may be thinking,"But Barb, you have never had a cat" or "Your dog may eat a cat." Both are normal thoughts. I'm hesitant to get a cat because I have never owned one but they seem like a dog but less needy. Pooh is pretty low maintenance. Feed her once a day and give her a rub down and she pretty much leaves you alone until the next day. I have observed cats doing pretty much that. Although Pooh appears very tough (great guard dog), whenever a cat comes in our yard, she charges at it, it hits or swats and she lays down. Yup, great guard dog....

You are probably wondering what brought on this cat interest. Gillian asked for a cat a while ago and we considered and refused. Gillian asked me for a hamster on Saturday, it went like this - "Mom, I want a hamster. A real, live one." I not knowing what to say....told her to ask her Dad. I don't want hamsters (fury mice), mice (hairless hamsters), guinea pigs (hippie hamster) or fish (cleaning the tank is a pain and really they are fun to watch for 2 seconds) or birds (I would never clean that cage or let it out of it's cage). So this lead me to the cat. I could handle the litter box...automatic litter cleaner, here we come. I figure, Gillian will be entertained by it and go back to her own thing, the cat will investigate Gillian and go back to it's own thing. PERFECT relationship, right?

I mentioned my adventure to Craig on Sunday and he appeared less than impressed about my looking. We'll see....I send baby brown eyes in and we probably would end up with kidding honey:)

Sunday was calm and relaxing. I laid on the couch most of the day reading. I think that reading is helping me as much as therapy. It's like my me time....even if others are around and I'm ready, they don't know what I'm reading and if they start talking to me without saying my name, I might be so into my book that I don't even pay attention. I get so into the stories that it is like a good show that you can't turn off until it is done. I'm averaging a 400 page book a week. Which is probably nothing special but when I wasn't reading a page a week back in early December I think that's pretty good.

I picked up Gillian from her grandparents and she didn't want to come with me (not a shocker). We talked all the way home so I'm not sure how it happened but from turning into our development to our driveway she fell asleep to the point that I moved her and she didn't budge. She slept for 2 hours. I let her although I probably should have woken her but she still made it to be on time and fell asleep so obviously she needed the sleep. She had her bath, a pear, shows and her goodnight stories...and a surprise voice mail from Dad that I saved for her right before bed so she could hear his voice...

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