Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekend Recap

We had a busy weekend.

Saturday, we got up and went to dance class like normal. She did really really good. She got out in front of the class and demonstrated a move which is a big step for her. After dance we went to get Craig's hair cut and pick up the balloons for Gillian's party. When we got home I started baking Gillian's cake which was a giant cupcake. While I did this, Craig and Gillian played Play-Doh. Once the cake was done baking and cooling, we made purple frosting and frosted the cake....the cake came out really good, if I do say so

Gillian's party went really well and everyone seemed to have fun. Gillian and Emma seemed to like the purple/white boas I bought for them. It was a totally purple themed day. Gillian got a ton of great gifts which she is having so much fun playing with. The day always ends up overwhelming Gillian but she handled it well.

Sunday, Craig and I slept in because my Mom had taken Gillian for the night. Once we were up and mobile we went to find out about about ordering mini cupcakes for Gillian to bring to daycare for her birthday...which we can't order apparently they come premade so now I have a mini cupcake tin and I'm going to attempt the chocolate cupcakes with purple frosting. While we were shopping, we picked up some odds and ends that were forgotten during our weekly shopping trip and we did our Easter shopping and picked up one of Emma's birthday gifts. Very production day. It was during this time that I had found out that Gillian had been sick the night before:( Once we dropped groceries off I headed to my parents to pick her up. She doesn't seem sick but she doesn't seem herself if that makes any sense. Gillian played with all her new toys all afternoon then we went to Craig's parents for dinner. It was nice to visit and see the puppy....he is growing fast.

The weekend has been a blur and goes by way too fast...

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