Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our Long Weekend!

Aah, a nice long weekend. They are never long enough.

Gillian was off from daycare Friday to spend the day with her Grammie and Grampie Miner at the beach and spend the night with them. This gave me time to get ready for the Shamrock BBQ on Saturday. I made Michigan sauce and potato salad for the first time.
Saturday was very hectic. Gillian bugged her grandparents to bring her home early because she was scared she would miss Jonathon. The Shamrocks were going for a ride and meeting our house and I was expecting everyone at about 3pm. So that gave me time to do all the last minute details. And it was 90 degrees so the heat was not helping. The BBQ went really good and no one got sick so I'm guessing the Michigan sauce and potato salad were okay:) Gillian made new friends and asks for them to come back repeatedly.
Gillian and a new friend.

Sunday Craig, Gillian and I spent together. It was a wonderful day. Craig took Gillian to the beach for his family's 4th of July celebration while I stayed home and out of the sun. I needed to relax after the stress of getting ready for the Shamrock BBQ and the sun is killing me this year:( They came back to me taking a nap. We got in the pool and cooled off. Another 90 degree day. Our parents came over for a bbq to celebrate the 4th which was nice and relaxed. Craig and I asked Gillian if she wanted to go to the fireworks. Figured we might as well give her the option since she would be able to sleep in. She said she wanted to and we were sure she would make it to 9:30 but we would try. Craig wanted to get their early so we would have a good view. So Craig entertained Gillian picking me flowers until it started. We got eaten alive by bugs until we moved the car so we could sit in it and watch them from their.

Gillian is such a big girl swimming only with her water wings.

Craig and Gillian waiting for fireworks to start.

Flowers that Gillian and Craig picked for me.

Monday was nice. Gillian and I got to spend the morning with Craig and the rest of the day together. We went in the pool, watched Toy Story 2 and cleaned up. It was a nice 3 days and I'm not looking forward to going back to work...

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