Friday, July 30, 2010
My apologies
Photo Friday
These 3 picture make me laugh...oh what was she
What is this extra piece on my glove?
It's really bugging me, why is it there?
Maybe I can chew it off.
Hitting home plate....
Gillian enjoys running bases...yes, she looks like a bobble head because her t-ball size helmet is too big.
3rd base coach.
Woohoo! Gillian stopped the ball!!!!
Craig as a spectator.
Gillian at the fun run.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Happy Wednesday!
First she tells me,"No tomatoes Mom....I'm not a FAN of tomatoes." (Okay when did she become a FAN of anything?)
We get in the car to head home, Gillian asks for her sub. I explain again that we will eat when we get home. She says,"I'm not a FAN of waiting." I reply,"Neither am I but we have to learn to be patient."
Seriously where did she learn to say she is a fan of something......I try not to laugh but I feel like I'm talking to an adult in a very body.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Long Weekend!
The things we do for our kids. I'm terrified of heights and Craig hates the Ferris wheel. That would be Gillian and I at the top where we stopped for what felt like quite the extended period of time. I had a nice few of the Adirondacks and the local land fill (YUCK!) that I got to enjoy once I convinced myself that we wouldn't die up there.
Craig and Gillian on the tilta-whirl...Gillian's second ride as I had gone on it early and got too whirled....not as young as I use to be....
We ended up running into some kids from Gillian's daycare which was nice because she wanted to go on all the rides with them.
Gillian went on some rides herself.
And some rides Gillian went on with strangers.
At the end of the day...she was completely exhausted.
After the fair and a nap we headed out to dinner with my parents to celebrate Craig's birthday.
Then my parents took Gillian for the weekend because we were going to the Ride for Cian early Saturday and we had originally had plans for Saturday night that fell through so Craig and I got some quality alone time. YEAH!
Sunday Gillian came home around noon and we made plans to go blueberry picking with my Dad. Gillian was more entertained by throwing the non ripe blueberries. She did pick half a quart prior to decided that throwing them was more fun.
By Sunday night I was struggling to move. It started in my left hip on Friday night spread to my right hip on Saturday night and by the time I was done blueberry picking I was having a hard time to move. It was both hips and my entire lower back. If it doesn't get better I'll be heading to the doctor for some meds to try to help my tense muscles relax.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Hard to believe...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Little this and a little of that....
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Happy Wednesday!
Gillian and I were swimming in the pool. She was doing her own thing working on her confidence getting in and out of her floaty. She started screaming so I swam over to see what was going on.
When Gillian was going to get into her floaty she unplugged the air hole so air was coming out and she was"Going down like the titanic" as she told me. Seriously? I explained that she wasn't quite going down like the titanic just yet and to remain
I had said this to her at the beginning of summer when she first got floaties and was skeptical about it.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Still sickly...
She wanted strawberry milk so we made her strawberry milk. She asked for a bagel for dinner so that is what I made her....she ate maybe 3 nibbles and was done. She had a popsicle. She repeatedly told me her belly hurt so I asked exactly where to rule out spleen and appendix. I offered her an ice pack which she jumped at and said it made her tummy feel better. It actually made her feel good enough that she started playing with the ice back and wrapped it around her head. I told her she was silly and she told me her "noggin" hurt and needed ice. She cracks me up even when she is sick.
A little bit later I was coming out of the bathroom and I heard her coming so I figured she needed another show. She looks at me and says,"So that is where you ran off to." Where does she get this stuff?
By the time I got her to be her fever was up to 102.3, gave her some medicine to try to reduce it and of course she needed an ice pack for her belly to go to bed. Whatever she needs to be comfortable I'm all for giving it to her....
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Weekend Recap
Saturday, I walked in the am and cleaned the house. It is now was exhausting but glad it's done. Gillian got home and of course the first thing out of her mouth is that she wants to go in the pool. So I got us ready and out we went. The water wasn't as warm as it normally is. There was such a breeze that once we were in it was very cold to try to get out. Gillian is getting very brave in the water. She is getting stronger at swimmer with her floaty too.

Treading water while holding on with one hand.

We went home and filled out our cards, Gillian went upstairs to wake up Craig and I lit the candles. We sang Happy Birthday and Craig had this smile on his face...not sure how to describe it...he enjoyed it:) Then we had cake. And of course it was off to the pool we went.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Happy Wednesday!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Weekend Recap
Friday, July 9, 2010
Photo Friday!

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Another hot day...
On another note, I was getting Gillian changed into her pjs and I took the hair tie out of her hair and she looked up and softly said,"Daddy tried to wing it this morning. He does try." What a sweetie, I agreed with her.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Happy Wednesday!
Enjoying the cool off.
My Happy Wednesday humor would be the fact that Gillian is getting around the pool so good these days that she wants to race. We started on one wall and were racing to the other side. So it was close all the way across so in the home stretch my child sticks her arm out and pushes me out of the way so she can touch the wall first. She wanted to win that bad. I explained to her that this isn't correct and she needed to stay in her own space but how can I not be proud. She is just like her Obviously competitiveness must be an inherited gene.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Our Long Weekend!
Craig and Gillian waiting for fireworks to start.
Flowers that Gillian and Craig picked for me.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Fun Run Results!
Photo Friday!
And she is off!
She is coming to the finish line.
Everything she accomplishes truly amazes me. You did AWESOME Gillian!