Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fitting in...

This morning was much better than yesterday! There were smiles and everyone was in a much better mood. Makes starting the day so much better.

So we have had the kitten for 3 weeks and we are all adapting well. I would say the adjustment was hardest on Pooh Bear and Gracie getting use to each other. I think Pooh thinks she is Gracie's Mom because she cleans her at least once a day and if Gracie cries Pooh is right in her face checking what is wrong. I think Gracie thinks Pooh is her Mom too because if she can't find Pooh, she'll start to cry. It is very cute. I think the kitten has restored some of Pooh's youthfulness as Pooh is getting on in years. They play together which is funny to watch a 90 pound dog and a 2 1/2 pound kitten do but they make it work. I think Gracie is fitting in just fine and I think we are all glad that we made the addition......

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