Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


It was Gillian’s leader day in school. The first words out of her mouth when I woke her were – It’s my leader day! To say she was excited was an understatement. I put all her normal supplies in her backpack plus her snack to share with the class (some fruit by the foot snack with Scooby-Doo on the box) and her pink dog which was for her show and tell. I was impressed that Gillian ran down a mental check list when she was getting ready to go out the door and me telling her that I put them in the bag wasn’t good enough, she had to check for herself (she is so much like me). I crossed my fingers that the day went as she had hoped.

When Gillian got home she was in a great mood. She loved how her leader day went and is already looking forward to the next one. She even kissed Ned the fish (I had been told prior to this day that she was not kissing Ned the fish…lol). She did tell me how she thought it was unfair that she didn’t get to be leader out to the buses at the end of the day, which I explained was so her teacher could get the right people on the correct bus. She seemed okay with that answer but not overly impressed with the idea.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

No help needed...

I spoke to Gillian’s teacher this morning and she again reassured me that Gillian is doing just fine. She is shyer than the other kids but she said it’s still normal. She said she participates in class and does interact with the other kids and does do parallel play which is normal for Gillian’s age. She said she made a special point of watching Gillian in school on Friday and she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She told me that Gillian is sweet and intelligent and is going to do wonderfully in Kindergarten.

Just what I needed to hear!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trying to help...

I didn’t tell Gillian that I had sent a note into the teacher asking if there was anything that we could do or that could be done at school to help her become more comfortable.

Gillian’s teacher called (while we were eating so I didn’t get to take the call) and left a message that Gillian was an extremely sweet child and that she is shy but she is participating so she will probably just need a bit more time than other kids. She said she would call back after watching her on Friday with more information. She was very reassuring that I had nothing to worry about.

This helped Craig and I feel so much better.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Open House

I went to Gillian's school's open house tonight...what a NIGHTMARE! I’ve decided there should be a handbook that you are given (I would even buy it if necessary) that gives you the background on the first year of your child’s schooling (so you know what to expect). How was I going to know that open house is a zoo? I wish I would have dressed appropriately for the extremely hot temperatures as all the parents, children and teachers piled in to the gym. There were enough people that all the seats were taken so it was standing room only and we were there before it started! After the introductions were done, we were told we could wander the school and get check out our child’s classrooms. Before we got out of the gym a couple kids had yelled to Gillian saying hi. Gillian hid behind me. This would help explain why she has not made any friends.

We headed to Gillian’s class, and stopped for apple cider on the way as I was dying of thirst from the extreme temperature of the gym. Gillian’s teacher arranged for a scavenger hunt…good idea in theory but not the best idea in large groups of people and over excited children. I spent the entire time trying to keep up with my 5 year old that knew exactly where she was going…I did not. So after 50 minutes and a completed scavenger hunt…we headed home.

I got home, got Gillian showered and into bed. I sat down on the couch and I knew exactly why my child wasn’t thrilled about meeting new people. I felt overwhelmed and exhausted. I’m now prepared for next year.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Broken Heart

I was talking to Gillian about school, she was telling me how they finished letting the butterflies go so they could go to Mexico and meet up with their friends…then she burst into tears and said, “I have no friends.” As a Mom I can tell you that this is such an awful moment. It’s worse that her scraping a knee or getting a finger caught in the door…I can’t fix her broken heart. I very calmly kept my composure and asked,”Why do you think you have no friends?” She told me how she does everything on her own at lunch time and recess because the other kids already had friends from before school started. I told her that all the kids couldn’t possibly have a friend from before school and asked if she was attempting to talk to the other kids. She told me she wasn’t which wasn’t a surprise to me as I know my child is shy. I calmed her down and we talked about the friends she does have – Emma, Zandra and Ava. I explained that there are other kids that are probably very similar to them and would love to hang out with Gillian at school. She wasn’t buying it but she did seem happier discussing her current friends list. I tucked her into bed and went downstairs and cried for her. I hate seeing her with a broken heart and one that I know when the kids do get to know her she will have more friends than she will know what to do with. I just have to hope it’s sooner rather than later that she starts letting others in.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

American Girl

Gillian has discovered American Girl and she can't get enough of looking through catalogs. I can't imagine if I told her they have web page. For anyone that doesn't know what American Girl is, please go here - .

I have to admit as expensive as I find the stuff, she is too cute to watch and listen to going through the catalogs. She pointed to a bed on one of the pages - "So my doll can sleep comfortably," she said. On another page there was a horse and stables - "So she can be a riding sensation," she said. What 5 year old uses the word sensation? She is just too cute.

We have looked through these catalogs a bunch of times. All Monday evening, waiting for the bus Tuesday morning, before bed on Tuesday night. I constantly find her sitting in the recliner just going through the is way too cute!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sick Day

2:30 this morning Gillian came and laid in bed with me. This happens sometimes so it wasn't a surprise to me. At 3am she woke me up to tell me she would be sick:( And so the 3 and a half hours of Gillian getting up to throw up began. I had hoped her years in daycare would have cut back on Gillian catching stuff at school but apparently not. So Gillian's 5th day of school was spent at home.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Family Project

This is our family project that Gillian had to complete for Kindergarten. It's ginger Gillian. Each child had to do one and then they have to tell about it to the class. Gillian goes later this month...she is stressing it. I'm hoping by the time it comes she will be okay with getting up to do it. She seems to surprise me regularly so I'm hoping this is another one of those times.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Middle of the night!

Middle of the night is how Gillian describes the time she needs to get up for school!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School

Today was Gillian's first day of school, going to Kindergarten. She has been so excited since the meet the teacher to go and be at school. I woke her up at an hour that I don't think she has seen since she was an infant not sleeping through the night. She ate a couple pancakes with a glass of strawberry milk then out to wait for the bus (even the fury kids came out to see Gillian get on the bus). She never cried or seemed scared to go. She climbed right up on the bus. I am such a proud parent.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Night before...

Her backpack is packed, the first day outfit is picked out, lunch will be bought at school and she is as excited as the night before Christmas to start school. I know, normally, I would be crying but I have tried to keep this moment as positive as possible. I know my baby isn’t a baby anymore. She isn’t even a toddler anymore. She has become the most amazing little girl. I took a moment tonight to tell Gillian how much I love her and how proud I am of the girl she has become. I let her know as long as she tries her best, her parents will always be proud of her. It was quite a moment for us; it always amazes me how she reacts to things…always in her special way.

Here is hoping that getting her on the bus in the morning goes smoothly. My fingers are definitely crossed….

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hair Apt

Gillian has been bugging me for the past 2 weeks to take her to get her hair cut. I was trying to leave it until the week before school started which I successfully accomplished but she definitely wasn't happy about it. All I have heard is complaints about how long her bangs are getting.

Taking her to the hair salon is such a treat. She loves to be pampered...we will be spending a fortune in a few years, I can feel it. She also amuses herself the whole time her hair is being worked on and she entertains Bonnie (hairdresser) and myself. She calls them dragon clips...and she plays with them the entire time her hair is worked on.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Meet the teacher!

Craig and I took Gillian to meet her teacher today. I think we all had some nerves about this. It went so good. Gillian is now excited to go to school, not scared or nervous. She says it will be fun fun fun! This is a huge relieve to Craig and I that she is now so excited to go to school. This will hopefully make the first day much easier.