Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 435
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Significance of today...
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 435
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010

1 year later - same amount of hair.
1.5 years - starting to grow but more like a crew cut.
2 years - start seeing the unruliness coming out. Had 1 hair cut to trim her bangs by this time.
Picked this pic because I thought it was cute - looks like she is going to have straight hair (so misleading).
2.5 years - cute curly short hair do.
3 years - look at those curls.
Still her 3rd birthday - front view. (Gillian had a 103 degree tempt in this pic)
This is a prime pic of the unruly hair. ('80s?)
3.5 years - love this curly.
Almost 4 - I took this pic this morning. Last summer I asked Gillian if she wanted bangs and she said, "No, I want hair like you Mommie." So we have been growing them out for some time. They are finally long enough to tuck behind her ear.
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 482
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 865
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ah ha moment!
So now I enjoy going to see my "friend". We talk about what I went through, struggles I have had then & now. She is amazed by how close and supportive our families have been to Craig, Gillian and I. She said we are lucky that most people do not have that. I know how lucky we are and I'm so thankful for all of you:)
We also talk about the positives that have come out of the situation. We talk about Team Gillian, I told her my donating blood story which she enjoyed, I explained reasons that I think Gillian was raised differently than if she had been born full term. When I found out I was pregnant I looked at it wrong. I was trying to figure out how she would fit into our lives not how we would fit into hers. The struggles that we went through made us appreciate everything so much more. I started to look at life so much different. My career no longer mattered, having the big house, the nice cars, the brand new clothes didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was Gillian's health and happiness. I guess it is telling someone else the stuff I'm proud of and the stuff that I'm not so proud of as a parent that can be so stress relieving. I leave her office feeling like I left some weight there.
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 961
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
New Addition
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 967
Monday, January 25, 2010
Saturday fun
Lucky lotto number for all the players out there - 772
Saturday, January 23, 2010
More congrats
So the blog that I follow that I mentioned on January 21, 2010 had their second daughter on January 22, 2010. See their beautiful baby here! Congrats to Heather and Mike!
Lucky lotto number for all the players out there - 986
Friday, January 22, 2010
Growing up
Tonight I was getting her a yogurt drink, I asked her red or purple, she said purple. I warned her that it was the last purple and she pointed out to me that there was another box of yogurt drinks behind the open ones in the fridge. I explained that there was another box but it was red and green not purple. Her response, "I can deal with that." Serioulsy? She is almost 4 but still. I don't know any other children that talk like her.
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 605
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Good Day
I got two surprises today that deserve some congratulations. I got the mail and received an announcement that our friends Tim and Haley (their daughter Aynsley was in the NICU with Gillian) had a son Carson on December 29th. Then I got on Facebook and found out our friends Jenna and Jarrod (their son Cian was in the NICU with Gillian) found out today that they are expecting a girl due in June. Everyone is healthy which is fabulous!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Donating blood
First I looked through the one in site, I could have totally run away.
So I opened the door and walked in and was greeted by a very nice woman who asked, "Are you here to donate blood?"
I answer, "Well I just had blood work so I'm not sure I can but I would like information" (oh please let me leave unharmed!).
Her reply, "You have plenty of blood to still be able to donate!"
So me not wanting to seem greedy with my blood said, "Okay."
That is how it started. Next thing I knew I was filling out paperwork trying to figure out how I can get out of there and realizing that I had no good way out and that I really should donate blood. So as my husband would say, "Suck it up Barb!" So I finished the paperwork and sat in a large relaxing chair and watched TV. The nurses did my vitals and prepped my arm, I didn't feel the pick in my arm and it didn't seem bad at all. It also helped that the women there were hilarious. They kept talking to me the entire time and asking if I was okay. It was nice and relaxing (sounds strange I know this). It was all done before I knew it. So they sat me up offered me a cookie and a drink. Well this is where they made a fan....Diet Pepsi:) A free 20 oz of diet Pepsi for a pint of blood and a cookie....sign me up! They should advertise this! The excitement overwhelmed me and I became light headed so laying back was where I went, ice pack and a bottle of orange juice was given to me. They kept talking to me to make sure I was okay and kept asking if I was lying about how I felt so they would let me leave. Why would I lie...then back to work for! Within 10 minutes I was back to normal and fine....and they let me have the diet Pepsi too:)
So I survived and everyone else could too. I didn't realize how easy and painless it is. There is a reason that I have wanted to donate blood and yes, like most things it is related to my daughter. While she was in the hospital she received 7 blood transfusions. She was born so early that her body didn't produce it's own blood (she was still suppose to be using my body to survive) so whenever the doctors did tests, they had to replace the blood they took because her body couldn't. It was special blood (something to do with high red blood cell count) that can't be taken quickly so Craig and I couldn't donate our own. Someone gave that blood to help my daughter survive so I gave blood today to help someone else survive. It's a cycle that I hope to continue. I told the woman today I owned them more because I feel indebted for at least what we have received. So I plan to return for another visit in late March or early April...I have to heal from my surgeries on the 5th & 8th of February. So if you have time and can spare a pint, donate, it's not as bad as it seems.
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 674
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Taking it in...
Lucky lotto numbers for the players out there - 122
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Back in the routine
After the workout she was extremely hungry and at 4 slices of toast while watching her favorite shows. The rest of the day we relaxed...
New earrings from Grammie Miner
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 500
Friday, January 8, 2010
Exciting News!
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 758
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Pause button
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 281
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Half way there...
Lucky lottery numbers for the players out there - 377
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Family Moments
Tonight, I got home from work and got my usual entrance from Gillian. She yells to Craig, “Moms home!” Followed by Pooh looking for her attention. Craig is working hard, checking on the fire, cooking dinner and entertaining Gillian. Prior to sitting down to eat Craig and I discuss our days briefly then while we are eating dinner we discuss Gillian’s day with her. I love these moments.
After dinner, I clear the table (least I can do when I do nothing to get it ready) and then I get changed from my work clothes into something comfy. When I got back downstairs the volley balloon game was already in play…lol. We probably look ridiculous but we have so much fun. Once we got bored of this Craig and I played Wii while Gillian watched. She enjoys watching us because she still isn’t sure of it and gets extremely frustrated (I can relate so I know she is similar to me). Craig and I also tried tennis and boxing. My right arm is still sore and I’m not very good but it was very entertaining. Competitive husband and wife playing Wii against each other is extremely entertaining. After exhaustion from the Wii and Gillian was bored of watching we played train which consists of us running around our house following each other pretending we are a train….more exhaustion. By the end of the night we were all tired but we laughed the entire evening and truly enjoyed each other. These are the memories that I hope to always remember of Gillian at this age. The time we spent together laughing.
Lucky lottery number for the players out there - 185
Monday, January 4, 2010
Back to normal...
I expected a meltdown when I dropped her off this morning but no meltdown....that meant victory for me:) I hate when she has a meltdown when I drop her off. I know she has fun there and I know within minutes of me leaving she is playing and having a blast, just breaks my heart to leave her crying.
Tonight, Craig, Gillian and I played with the balloons. We volley them to each other. Doesn't sound fun but for this family of 3, it's a ton of fun. We laugh the entire time and you would think that the balloon hitting the floor was the end of the world with the way we dive all over trying to hit it. People on the outside looking in would think we are crazy but it is a fun evening for us. Who would have thought?
Lucky lotto number for the players out there - 110