Today we went to my parents for brunch and to celebrate Christmas. The last of our 3 Christmas celebrations. Again, it was relaxing.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
New Traditions - Christmas #2
Gillian was woken by hearing something, we figure it was 5am! Craig and I got up with as much enthusiasm that we could for 5am. I went downstairs to make sure the "coast was clear" and to get cameras ready to catch the first moments.
We were done opening gifts by 6:20 and done putting most things together by 8am. We played with new toys. Grammie and Grampie Miner came to visit and have breakfast with us. Grammie and Grampie Brooks came to visit after lunch. Craig left for work. Gillian and I settled on the couch for a 2 and a half hour nap. Then we were up and making play-doh cakes. It was a nice relaxing day where we had nothing planned. It was fabulous!
Friday, December 24, 2010
New Traditions - Christmas #1
This year Craig and I agreed on new traditions because in years past the Christmas holiday has been an overwhelming day. Last year ended with Gillian and I both crying. So this year rather than doing 3 Christmases in one day we are doing 3 Christmases in 3 days.
Today we went to Craig's parents for Christmas Eve with his family. We had a ham lunch followed by gift opening. It was relaxed and we were able to spend 7 hours there (normally it would be 2-3 hours tops). We were able to put toys together and play with new toys and were able to visit with everyone. The evening ended with a game of Chutes and Ladders that got pretty competitive and everyone there was either playing or watching the game because it was that intense (we aren't competitive people or
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Fox Hill
I do see similarities between myself and my daughter. Something about this picture makes me think she looks just like me. This is rarely the case.
Craig, Gillian and I went outside to clean the driveway and play in the snow. She really wanted to go sledding down the hill of snow in the picture above. I asked Craig if he wanted to take her down to fox hill to go sledding. We weren't sure what to expect but we had so much fun together. It was a fabulous evening.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tree Lighting
Tonight Gillian and I went to a tree lighting. I had never been to one (besides the one in my house every year) so I was intrigued. I didn't know what to expect. I had been told there was no cost but wasn't sure if there would be any sort of fundraiser. We went and it was in a tiny area so it seemed crowded but there were definitely less people than I expected. Tons of food was served, they had tons of beverages. The tree lighting happened on time then we waited in line so Gillian could sit on Santa's lap. Each child was given a goodie bag after talking to Santa. Then we went outside for a horse and carriage ride. We tried singing Christmas Caroles (no one in our carriage knew an entire It was a wonderful evening, Gillian and I had a lot of fun.

Cooking with Grammie
Today Gillian and I went over to my Mom's to finish up the Christmas baking so we could get the baskets out to everyone.
We brought out some Christmas decorations. Zandra was very excited with the Christmas cheerleader.
Picture moment of the girls.
Gillian and Emma were in charge of measuring. Some marshmellows and chocolate chips might not have made it into the fudge.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Christmas Party
For the last 3 years we have taken Gillian to Grampie Miner's company's Christmas party for kids. It has always been enjoyable but every year it gets better and better. This year was very nice. They spread it out more so there were 3 separate rooms so there was plenty of room for everyone. Gillian was very excited to go to the party this year so she could talk to Santa. She went right up there on her own and climbed in the sleigh. They had crafts for the kids to do, food to eat and we could even take a tour of the company. It was tons of fun!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Gillian is very much into make believe. It is very fun to play with her. Today I was driving Gillian home and she asked if she could bring some rocks inside. I told her that was fine...she let me know that she was bringing in the rocks to pretend they were ants during her picnic. Seriously she doesn't leave out details even in make believe.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Mickey Mouse
A friend of mine invited Gillian and I to go to the Mickey Mouse Magic Show which I was so excited about. We made it a girls day and I didn't let Gillian know where we were going until we were almost to the destination. We took the girls to lunch and the toy store then off to the show. By the end of the trip, after the traveling and all the excitment we were all definitely beat.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Christmas Baking
This year for gifts from Gillian for the daycare ladies, dance instructors and gymnastics instructor we are doing homemade goods. Homemade breads, fudge, cookies, chocolate bark (that my Mom and I are making) and jam (from Auntie Jody). This summer Gillian and I went blueberry picking with my Dad which we froze to make blueberry bread.
I went to my Mom's today to help her bake breads....I actually felt pretty useless. After so many years of doing the task herself it wasn't easy to work another person into the equation. We did get all the blueberry breads made and the cherry breads started. I love Christmas baking!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday
My Mom and I started our Black Friday tradition when I was in college. Some years we have tons of deals we are looking for and other years we just go out because that's what we do. This year nothing stood out to us as a must have so we decided to head out at 5:30am. Yes, that is still ridiculous early to head out Christmas shopping but we enjoy it. Normally we stop for breakfast on the way home, this year we took so long shopping that eventually we had to stop for brunch then went back out shopping. We got to spend quality time together and put a huge dent in our Christmas shopping...successful day!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today I woke up early (like 6 am early) worried about Gracie. All I could think was she was stuck outside, in the freezing cold wishing she was home. I felt like an awful pet owner. We had no idea how she had gotten out, the exact time she went missing or where she went:( This is not like us.
I got up and went to both doors in hopes that she would be sitting there anxiously trying to get in but no such luck. Since I was up I figured I would go to the store and get the paper with all the Thanksgiving day specials and Black Friday specials. As I was walking out to my care I could hear Gracie crying. It was coming from our garage. Somehow she had gotten trapped in there for the night. We had checked there more than once and we had even been outside decorating and not seen her. I'm so thankful she is home.
Our Thanksgiving was nice and relaxed this year. My parents were having a brunch at 10am which was perfect timing because Craig had to be home to be ready for work at 3pm. We didn't expect to be the first to my parents but somehow we managed. We listened to Christmas Carols on the way which seemed to put all 3 of us in the best moods possible. We were even late because we were almost to my parents house and another song we wanted to listen to came on so we drove the long way. Brunch was AWESOME! The Norm breakfast was fabulous like always but more than that everyone seemed to be in a good mood. And there had been doubt that my niece would be able to make it but she was there too. It was so nice that we could all be together.
After breakfast we went home, Craig got ready for work:( Something we didn't want but we all have to do things we don't want to. Gillian and I got to enjoy an afternoon of cuddling and watching TV which was great!
At about 4pm Gillian and I headed over to Craig's parents for Thanksgiving dinner. I had heard that it wasn't going to be a big meal but we got there and Craig's Mom had made all the fixings. Turkey, homemade stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, beans, celery, peas, rolls, cranberry...I consider this meal big. It was GREAT! And apple pie for dessert. I was as stuffed as that turkey had been earlier in the day. After dinner Jody and I went through sales papers and we all chatted. Jody and I went to KMart to see if we could find any deals. It was such a nice and relaxing evening.
I'm so thankful for the family I have and the family I married into....I'm always surrounded by truly wonderful people!
I got up and went to both doors in hopes that she would be sitting there anxiously trying to get in but no such luck. Since I was up I figured I would go to the store and get the paper with all the Thanksgiving day specials and Black Friday specials. As I was walking out to my care I could hear Gracie crying. It was coming from our garage. Somehow she had gotten trapped in there for the night. We had checked there more than once and we had even been outside decorating and not seen her. I'm so thankful she is home.
Our Thanksgiving was nice and relaxed this year. My parents were having a brunch at 10am which was perfect timing because Craig had to be home to be ready for work at 3pm. We didn't expect to be the first to my parents but somehow we managed. We listened to Christmas Carols on the way which seemed to put all 3 of us in the best moods possible. We were even late because we were almost to my parents house and another song we wanted to listen to came on so we drove the long way. Brunch was AWESOME! The Norm breakfast was fabulous like always but more than that everyone seemed to be in a good mood. And there had been doubt that my niece would be able to make it but she was there too. It was so nice that we could all be together.
After breakfast we went home, Craig got ready for work:( Something we didn't want but we all have to do things we don't want to. Gillian and I got to enjoy an afternoon of cuddling and watching TV which was great!
At about 4pm Gillian and I headed over to Craig's parents for Thanksgiving dinner. I had heard that it wasn't going to be a big meal but we got there and Craig's Mom had made all the fixings. Turkey, homemade stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, beans, celery, peas, rolls, cranberry...I consider this meal big. It was GREAT! And apple pie for dessert. I was as stuffed as that turkey had been earlier in the day. After dinner Jody and I went through sales papers and we all chatted. Jody and I went to KMart to see if we could find any deals. It was such a nice and relaxing evening.
I'm so thankful for the family I have and the family I married into....I'm always surrounded by truly wonderful people!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Family Time
I'm thankful for the time that Craig, Gillian and I spend together. We always have fun together and I love making family memories.
Late this afternoon we realized that Gracie had gotten out of the house. Craig has gone out twice looking for her and we have searched the house but we can't find her anywhere. We told Gillian that the cat needed some time away like a vacation so Gillian at the moment seems fine with that although she doesn't like the idea of us "losing" our cat. Craig and I are both nervous about a fox getting her or something bad happening. My fingers are crossed that she is home safe and sound in the morning.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I'm thankful for the friends that Craig and I have. The new ones that we just met this year and the ones that we have an for a very long time.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Christmas time is here!
Tonight we put up the Christmas tree. We realize it's early but I wanted to try to make sure Craig was here for the festivities. I'm being very careful this year about what will be put out since the cat has not been around for Christmas and I don't want and ornaments broken. I have tried to select ones with the least likely of breaking should the tree fall down because our plump cat decides to climb it. We got the tree up, lights on it and the least amount of ornaments ever put on it up. I love when the Christmas tree is up. Something about it adds such warmth to a living room. Gillian is so ready for Christmas this year. So excited to see what treasures Santa may bring. Christmas as a parent is so wonderful. To see the excitement on her face Christmas morning is truly priceless. I feel like Gillian has brought the Christmas spirit back to Craig and I.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I went out today and got some more wrapping paper to finish wrapping Gillian's gifts (there was only one left when I ran out of paper...figures). I love wrapping presents. I love wrapping in pretty paper and putting ribbon on the gifts. I don't know why....but I thoroughly enjoy doing it. I'm not quite sure how I do it but I wrapped all the gifts and I don't tag anything. Then I do ribbon then tags. Somehow I manage to keep them all straight. I know one day I'm going to need to put post-its on all the packages to remember what is what but for now I'm thankful that I can remember.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Couple Time
Today/tonight Gillian went to stay with Grammie and Grampie Miner. This gave Craig and I time to finish up her Christmas shopping and get everything wrapped. It was nice to spend some quality time together. We love being parents but sometimes we need down time and time to enjoy each other's company.
Friday, November 19, 2010
I can never say enough how thankful I am that we found Gillian's daycare. The employees and owner absolutely adore her, she gets along with the kids, it's truly wonderful. Gillian was excited to get to go back today since she was movie helper! Everyday she has a different role, movie helper, book helper, line leader, gate helper, weather helper, calendar helper, etc. The important days to Gillian are movie helper and book helper because she can bring in her own. They can pick from the daycare's selection but she likes to bring her own. Craig has practically memorized the order where I have to read her sheet everyday.
When I picked Gillian up today Mary had stories for me (I love stories). So they were working on a crow project today. So when they work on projects, Mary asks them questions to make them think and learn about the project.
She asked the class what color the crow was and Gillian answered Black.
Next she asked what a scare crow does and Gillian walked right over to Ms. Mary and said,"Boo!" Ms. Mary said she jumped and asked Gillian why she was scaring her. Gillian's response,"Because scare crows scare the crows!"
Apparently the kids were taking some time getting the project done and it was running into lunch time and Mary said to the kids,"You need to get your batteries charged and get these projects complete." Gillian started giggling and said,"We don't have batteries, we have bones inside us!"
Then at lunch Ms. Mary sits and eats with the kids and Gillian was sitting next to her and Gillian looked at Ms. Mary and said,"Thank you." Ms. Mary asked Gillian why she was thankful and Gillian went into being put on the spot mode and kept asking for a hug so Ms. Mary told Gillian,"Whatever you are thankful for, you are very welcome."
If this didn't make my day enough, Mary thanked me for Craig and I always sending in books and movies because apparently we are the only family doing it. I told Mary, she loves to bring stuff in and if we forget and or miss a day we hear about it so we stay on top of that for her. She said we are obviously parents that are on top of our game and involved with our child.....
When I picked Gillian up today Mary had stories for me (I love stories). So they were working on a crow project today. So when they work on projects, Mary asks them questions to make them think and learn about the project.
She asked the class what color the crow was and Gillian answered Black.
Next she asked what a scare crow does and Gillian walked right over to Ms. Mary and said,"Boo!" Ms. Mary said she jumped and asked Gillian why she was scaring her. Gillian's response,"Because scare crows scare the crows!"
Apparently the kids were taking some time getting the project done and it was running into lunch time and Mary said to the kids,"You need to get your batteries charged and get these projects complete." Gillian started giggling and said,"We don't have batteries, we have bones inside us!"
Then at lunch Ms. Mary sits and eats with the kids and Gillian was sitting next to her and Gillian looked at Ms. Mary and said,"Thank you." Ms. Mary asked Gillian why she was thankful and Gillian went into being put on the spot mode and kept asking for a hug so Ms. Mary told Gillian,"Whatever you are thankful for, you are very welcome."
If this didn't make my day enough, Mary thanked me for Craig and I always sending in books and movies because apparently we are the only family doing it. I told Mary, she loves to bring stuff in and if we forget and or miss a day we hear about it so we stay on top of that for her. She said we are obviously parents that are on top of our game and involved with our child.....
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Gillian woke at 2am with 103 fever:( I hate when she has high fevers. She stayed home from daycare so we pretty much got to spend the whole day together. She reminded me of when I was sick as a child. We watched the same dvd 3 times in a row until I finally asked that we watch something else.
I'm thankful when my daughter is sick that she is a huge cuddler. I miss the baby days when we would nap together and pretty much cuddle the entire time we were together. This is how I now get my cuddling fill!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Last year we struggled with dance. We had to be the first ones there and Gillian had to be there before the circle was formed or she wouldn't join in. There were many tears shed and much frustration on our part.
Gillian had dance tonight. It was the first night I had to get Gillian there without Craig which meant I would be cutting it close with finishing work and getting Gillian and getting to dance on time.
Needless to say by the time we got there, we were about 4 minutes late and everyone was on the opposite side of the room warming up. In my head, I'm thinking, please don't have a melt down. I got her shoes on her, she looked at me and said,"Mommy could you get the door for me." I opened the door and she walked in and put her ballet shoes where they below and walked to the front of class (she didn't just join the class in the back!) and starting participating.
It is amazing how much she has grown in a year! I'm so thankful!
Gillian had dance tonight. It was the first night I had to get Gillian there without Craig which meant I would be cutting it close with finishing work and getting Gillian and getting to dance on time.
Needless to say by the time we got there, we were about 4 minutes late and everyone was on the opposite side of the room warming up. In my head, I'm thinking, please don't have a melt down. I got her shoes on her, she looked at me and said,"Mommy could you get the door for me." I opened the door and she walked in and put her ballet shoes where they below and walked to the front of class (she didn't just join the class in the back!) and starting participating.
It is amazing how much she has grown in a year! I'm so thankful!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Team Gillian
I'm thankful for the support that we have received from our friends and family for Team Gillian which raised money for the March of Dimes. In the 4 years that we walked we raised over $10,000! That is so much more than I could have ever imagined 4 years ago. Knowing first hand what that money goes to truly makes me proud. Thank you everyone that has assisted us over the past 4 years!
Monday, November 15, 2010
My Amazing Husband
I'm thankful for my amazing husband! He is such a special person. His humor brings a smile to my face daily. He is always thinking about Gillian and I and making sure we are taken care of. He is truly an amazing person!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Special Men
I'm thankful for the Daddy Craig is to Gillian. I knew he was a phenomenal man but to see him with his daughter truly brings out a side that no one knew existed. Today he was rushing...ten million things to do and needed to get to work. Gillian wanted some play time and at first Craig said once he got back from bringing his bike to storage. She was disappointed but happy he said when he got back. Then he said okay let's play now in case we don't have time when I got back. Made her day and both of them were smiling. It was nice to see!
I'm so thankful for the relationship Gillian has with my Dad. Then tonight Gillian and I went to my parents for dinner. My Mom has been feeling under the weather. So Gillian roped Grampie into playing with her. He even became a magician which he didn't even know he was capable of. She laughed and giggled and he laughed and giggled. It was very cute.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Grampie's Birthday
We went over to my parents to celebrate my Dad's birthday. I won't elaborate on details but wanted to share that my 4 year old daughter kept calling my 63 year old father "The birthday boy"....she is really too cute.
Thankful for family time!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Gillian’s List for Santa
This list isn't limited to just these items because every time Gillian goes to the store she points to practically everything. But this was from our yearly trip to make her list for Santa.
Delicious Play Food
Rescue Pets
My Little Pony - RC Rainbow Dash Plane
My Little Pony – Shopping Day with Mom
Zhu Zhu Grooming Salon
Barbie Baby Sitter
Strawberry Shortcake Sunrise Berry Market
Polly Pocket Sparlin Pets
Polly Pocket Carry Case
Play-Doh Magic Swirl Ice Cream Shop
Play – Doh Cake Making Station
Toy Story 3 Action Figures
Zhu Zhu Babies – Muffin and Pumpkin
Big Foot the Monster
Cars – Flos Café LEGO
Scooter (Dora)
Hot Wheels
Connect 4
Handy Manny
Toy Spiral Speedway
Mermaid Pony Castle
Barbie Puppy School with Pool
Our Generation Palomino Horse
Outfit because doll needs horse riding outfit (lol!)
Leapster 2
Walkie Talkies
Kid Tough Camera
4 Lane Raceway
Buzz Light year
Phineas & Ferb Skateboard Launcher
Phineas & Ferb Rockin Stage
Phineas & Ferb Garble Heads
Rescue Pets
My Little Pony - RC Rainbow Dash Plane
My Little Pony – Shopping Day with Mom
Zhu Zhu Grooming Salon
Barbie Baby Sitter
Strawberry Shortcake Sunrise Berry Market
Polly Pocket Sparlin Pets
Polly Pocket Carry Case
Play-Doh Magic Swirl Ice Cream Shop
Play – Doh Cake Making Station
Toy Story 3 Action Figures
Zhu Zhu Babies – Muffin and Pumpkin
Big Foot the Monster
Cars – Flos Café LEGO
Scooter (Dora)
Hot Wheels
Connect 4
Handy Manny
Toy Spiral Speedway
Mermaid Pony Castle
Barbie Puppy School with Pool
Our Generation Palomino Horse
Outfit because doll needs horse riding outfit (lol!)
Leapster 2
Walkie Talkies
Kid Tough Camera
4 Lane Raceway
Buzz Light year
Phineas & Ferb Skateboard Launcher
Phineas & Ferb Rockin Stage
Phineas & Ferb Garble Heads
Thankful Gillian has the imagination to dream big!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Happy Wednesday
Today I had to go to VT for a dr apt and my Mom came with me. We left at 6:30am. I didn't wake anyone and left quietly.
Gillian got up probably an hour later and woke up her Dad. They came downstairs and Gillian wondered where I was.
She asked Craig,"Where is Mom?"
Craig not wanting to elaborate told Gillian,"She is gone to work."
Gillian immediately checked for my car,"But her car is here."
Craig not wanted to tell her that Grammie drove said,"Don't worry she is at work."
Gillian responded,"I think she took your motorcycle."
Oh, what a sweet girl! She is too funny though. So thankful she got Craig's sense of humor.
Gillian got up probably an hour later and woke up her Dad. They came downstairs and Gillian wondered where I was.
She asked Craig,"Where is Mom?"
Craig not wanting to elaborate told Gillian,"She is gone to work."
Gillian immediately checked for my car,"But her car is here."
Craig not wanted to tell her that Grammie drove said,"Don't worry she is at work."
Gillian responded,"I think she took your motorcycle."
Oh, what a sweet girl! She is too funny though. So thankful she got Craig's sense of humor.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I'm thankful for Gillian's imagination. She can turn balloons into a party, rocks into memories and stuffed animals into her friends.
Gordie the Gourd came into Gillian's life on Friday November 5th and I warned her that he would eventually rot like the pumpkins. But that didn't stop her from falling in love with her and taking Gordie everywhere with her this past weekend. Hide the gourd was a huge game since Gillian brought her home.
Today when Gillian got home from daycare...Gordie the Gourd had rotted:( Gillian was devastated and there was sadness that her friend was gone. But like any child she eventually moved on.
I don't like to see her sad but we are blessed that she cares so deeply for the people and objects that surround her.
Gordie the Gourd came into Gillian's life on Friday November 5th and I warned her that he would eventually rot like the pumpkins. But that didn't stop her from falling in love with her and taking Gordie everywhere with her this past weekend. Hide the gourd was a huge game since Gillian brought her home.
Today when Gillian got home from daycare...Gordie the Gourd had rotted:( Gillian was devastated and there was sadness that her friend was gone. But like any child she eventually moved on.
I don't like to see her sad but we are blessed that she cares so deeply for the people and objects that surround her.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I'm thankful that Gillian continues to try to do stuff even when she struggles to do them.
We enrolled Gillian in gymnastics to see if she would like it and to help with her balance/coordination. It's insane how strong she has already become just in two months. Most of the kids in her class are a year younger than her and she pushes to keep up with them. Whenever I try to give her pointers on what to try....she looks at me and says,"I'm trying my best." Just like Mommy she does not take pointers well. She continues to push and she doesn't ever complain.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I'm thankful for Gillian's comfortableness of being able to sing out loud. She can sing me almost every word of every song on the Phineas and Ferb soundtrack!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I thought I would share the things that I’m thankful for daily.
I’m thankful for the support system that Craig and I have as parents from our parents. Our parents are amazing at pitching in and helping us. They make it to Gillian’s activities to support her. They take her on overnight sleepovers and to special events. We love to tell them stories of our adventures as parents and they love to tell us stories about their adventures as grandparents. We can ask questions and get advice at being a parent. They are truly phenomenal and I’m so thankful for them.
I’m thankful for the support system that Craig and I have as parents from our parents. Our parents are amazing at pitching in and helping us. They make it to Gillian’s activities to support her. They take her on overnight sleepovers and to special events. We love to tell them stories of our adventures as parents and they love to tell us stories about their adventures as grandparents. We can ask questions and get advice at being a parent. They are truly phenomenal and I’m so thankful for them.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Pne Harbour
Gillian and I had been invited to go trick or treating at an assisted living center. I wasn't sure how Gillian would do with it but I really wanted her to go. I know she probably would not know the difference now but I knew it was something that would mean a lot to the people living there. At first it went how I expected, I had to go in every room with her although we were with a group of kids and adults. But after the first couple stops she was running with the kids in the group. She would always wait her turn, say trick or treat and say thank you. It was very sweet to stop and meet the people. You could tell by their smiles they were glad to have visitors. After we got in the car I asked her if she had fun and she thanked me for taking her. I thanked her for being such a wonderfully sweet child to all those people.
Took this picture of Craig right before Gillian and I left to go trick or treating at Pine Harbour.
Gillian trick or treating at Pine Harbour.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Photo Friday
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Growing up

Gillian and I were getting ready to leave the house and we went in her room so she could put her book away and she looked at a picture on her wall. It's one of my all time favorites.
She asked me,"Who is holding me in that picture?"
I told her,"Grammie Brooks."
She asked me,"Where was the picture was taken?"
I told her,"At my wedding."
She said,"Your wedding?"
I responded,"The day I married your Dad."
She said,"Married Dad?"
I asked her,"Do you know what marriage is?"
Gillian responded,"No."
I said,"Its the day I promised to love and live with Daddy forever."
What happened next was not what I expected. Gillian started crying and I asked why she was so upset.
Gillian told me,"Why do you and Daddy get to live together forever and I have to move out when I grow up?" (My poor baby)
I explained,"Gillian we will never ask you to leave but one day you will meet a wonderful boy and want to live with him. Mommy and Daddy didn't move out until we were older, older than most people but the time came where we wanted a home of our own not with Grammie and Grampie. Now we visit them...they aren't far away."
Gillian still crying told me,"I'm never living with a boy"
I thought this was a prime time to ask,"Will you sign a contract that you will not live with a boy?"
Ironically she responded,"I'm not signing anything."
I laughed which made her laugh. She is so smart and she doesn't even know it yet:)
Friday, October 22, 2010
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