It started as a normal Saturday of dance class. Felt bad after we got to dance class and realized that we never got a gift for the instructor. Memo to self that next year we need a gift. Gillian got into class and there were no tears (this makes it a great day!). She did a great job in class and at the end of class the instructor gave the parents a nice gift. WE all got invited in to the studio to watch our child dance. Didn't bring the camera because the pictures through the glass don't come out so had to rely on the camera phone in a barely lit studio (she shuts off all the lights except the Christmas tree and lights around the studio) so wasn't expecting good pics. I was extremely annoyed that I didn't pack the camera because I had thought about it this morning however talked myself out of it. She did wonderful! I didn't know if she would get up with all the parents watching but she did. The crowd loved when Gillian was done her dance, she ran over and hugged the instructor. I fought back the proud:)

Then we headed home. Pooh was headed to the groomers and my Dad was coming over to help me put the 2nd coat of paint in the kitchen and entry way. Seriously this project is never ending. Now I know why I wait 3 years in between projects that I'm part of because I just lose patients after a while. I just want it done with and I never feel like it is going to end. While we worked on this, Craig and Gillian decorated the living room for a dance party. This means balloons everywhere, especially the ceiling. By the time we finished painting, Craig had to go to work and Pooh's grooming session was close to being done.

Gillian and I headed into town to hit the bank and pick up Pooh. She was very concerned that someone was going to take Pooh. I kept reassuring that Pooh was safe at the groomers. Prior to going to get Pooh, Gillian and I strolled around the pet store to look for a gift for Pooh from Gillian. Craig and I explained to her that Santa does not forget animals at Christmas time so Gillian really wanted to get something for Pooh. She settled on a turquoise stuffed dog which I think although cute, Pooh will enjoy tearing it apart.

I thought it was cute that when they brought Pooh out, she has bows on her ears. Craig will hate it but Gillian and I were thrilled. Gillian was disgusted with me because I put Pooh in the trunk of my CRV. She felt Pooh should be sitting in the backseat with her and I explained to her that there was not enough room for Pooh there, Gillian still felt it was unfair.

By the time we got home, Gillian was past out and she slept till 6pm.

When she finally woke up, I made her dinner and then it was time for a bath. Gillian learned today that getting out of the bath tub when it was in single digits outside is not fun. She got wrapped up in her towel and didn't want to get out.
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