Today we took Gillian to the pumpkin patch. It was the first year that we took her and Gillian had to wear a winter hat because it was maybe 50 degrees outside. They are expecting snow tonight if that tells you anything. There were tons of pumpkins to choose, large and small. I for some reason thought Gillian would choose a large pumpkin but no she didn't. She didn't even look at them and when we asked is she wanted to go over to the them she said no, she immediately ran over to a bin of teeny weeny pumpkins. She chose 2 pumpkins and was thrilled with her finds. As we went in to the market to pay for the pumpkins we found some painted pumpkins so we picked up one of those with Dora on it, picked up some cider and donuts, a chocolate pumpkin lolli pop and a treat for Pooh. Everyone is happy:) While we were waiting to pay Gillian yells, I have to go potty, I have to go potty so I immediately look at someone working there for directions and the employees explain the directions on how to find the port a potty (I'm thinking great, gross) so we do our normal routine or hauling butt to the bathroom. Before I open the door I tell Gillian not to touch anything inside. I lift the lid and Gillian spins around and says,"Eewwww, Mommy!" And my response is,"Don't look!" Nasty. So she goes and we go out and I take a picture of her with a cut out and she then has to go potty again and I'm thinking,"How does this happen, gross." So we go in again and try not to touch anything and I realize that the employees use this too....nasty, thank god I have a bladder of steal. I do find great humor in it now but it just blows my mind that there was not a bathroom. Overall it was a fun trip that the family enjoyed.

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